Monday, December 7, 2009

Pen Palls

While we are in Jyvaskyla, Kalee will be attending an English Music and Play School. Her class will have 8 students. Their group is called the Pirates and their teacher is James. He is from the UK. Kalee's class at Northglad Montessori Magnet School sent some drawings and letters to her Finland school telling them what makes them smile: pizza, my kitty cat, my mom, and (my personal favorite) "my mouth!"
The Pirates of Finland sent back some great drawings about Christmas.

A snowman a present and a star!

Father Christmas' Sofa

A House and a garage with Father Christmas Overhead!

This last picture is drawn by Kalee's pen pall Konsta. He and his family (mon, dad and little brother) lived in California for over a year. His english is fluent and he knows what it's like to be in a foreign land. Konsta's family have already been so welcoming (and we aren't even there yet!), offering toys and books, playdates and family excursions. I'm so grateful to the Playschool director for connecting us.

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