Before arriving we read that it is traditional for Finns to eat pea soup on Tuesdays. Not just traditional, actually. The book said that everyone eats pea soup on Tuesdays. This seemed odd to us. A national soup, we would believe, but everyone eating it on the same day? We asked a couple Finns about that and while it struck a blank at first, both eventually said they could remember that tradition as a child. Someday I'll put a pea soup recipe up here, but today it is Kraupsua, Finnish oven pancakes which we are told are traditionally served for dessert with a dinner of Pea Soup. I found the recipe on Either the recipe is not terribly traditional or someone else already translated it into American measurements.
2 tsp. butter
2 eggs, well beaten
1/2 c. sugar
1 tsp. salt
2 c. milk
1 1/4 c. flour
Place 2 teaspoons butter in a 9x13 pan. Place pan in a 400 degree oven until butter sizzles and is almost brown. Beat eggs, sugar, salt, milk and flour in that order and pour into pan. Bake 25 - 30 min. Dot with butter and sprinkle with sugar. Cut into squares to serve.
I made these last night and topped them with jam (lingonberry and cloudberry), which we are told is traditional.
Read a few military cooking blogs -- a side interest; liturgical resources > military chaplaincy > daily life in armed forces -- and you can find pictures of Finnish forces eating their Tuesday pea soup and pancakes today.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Scott! Amazing how one interest followed deeply leads to surprising places. Perhaps not surprising that the military is the last place to forget old traditions.